Grow successfully.

We are experts in growing Kiri trees –
knowledge we are happy to share with you

A site-suitable and genetically high-quality variety is the basis for the success of your Kiri tree plantation (Paulownia). But also the local growing conditions, the professional preparation, planting and care of the Kiri trees are decisive for the volume and quality of the Kiri wood. We are happy to advise and accompany you on this path: from the selection of one of our high-quality hybrid varieties to the harvesting the logs of the Kiri trees.

Eine WeGrow Kiribaum-Plantage mit grüner saftiger Grasnarbe.

Growing conditions

Ein Traktor bearbeitet eine junge Kirbaum-Plantage von WeGrow zum Schutz vor Mäusen.

Land preparation

Junge Kiribäume von WeGrow in einem versetzten Pflanzmuster.


Ein Traktor mit tastempfindlichen Mulcher auf einer WeGrow Kiribaum-Plantage.

Plant and field care

Größere Mengen Rundholz vor einer WeGrow Kiribaum-Plantage.


Größere Mengen Schnittholz des Kiribaums auf dem Betriebsgelände von WeGrow.

Kiri wood

You would like to learn more? Contact us!

We are happy to advise and accompany you. From site analysis, import, variety selection, planting and care, to harvesting and selling of your Kiri wood logs. Call us today or send us a message via our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.